Mix the dough until smooth but not tough. Dough temperature should be around 22°C.
Fold in the pastry margarine. Make two half Dutch folds (into fours) or three half French folds (into threes).
Allow to rest for a while and then shape (keeping the dough as cool as possible). Freeze as soon as possible after shaping.
Defrosting and Heating
When using a proofer, add the croissants to the other products the day before baking.
When using a refrigerator, place the croissants in the refrigerator the day before baking. Warm up gradually, taking care not to let them dry out. Allow to rise fully in a warm but not hot proofer.
In the bakery, allow the croissants to thaw fully, taking care not to let them dry out. Allow to rise fully in a warm but not hot proofer.